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From Adobe XD to Figma: The New King of Design Tools

August 5, 2024By Isabel Refford

Topics: Website Design & Development

In the dynamic world of web design, picking the right tool can make a huge difference. Adobe XD and Figma are two heavyweights in the ring, each boasting impressive features. But with recent developments and shifting preferences, Figma is emerging as the new king of design tools. Let’s explore why.

Adobe XD - The Former Favorite

Adobe XD burst onto the scene as part of Adobe's Creative Cloud suite, quickly earning a spot in many designers' toolkits. Here's a look at what made XD a popular choice:

Repeat Grid

This feature revolutionizes efficiency. Design one element, activate Repeat Grid, and it duplicates across your canvas. You can easily drag and drop content like text or images, and XD will handle the rest, maintaining consistency across your design.



If you’re looking to add some flair, Auto-Animate brings your prototypes to life with smooth animations and transitions. It's perfect for showcasing app flows or enhancing website interactions.

User Experience and Integration

XD integrates seamlessly with Adobe’s other tools like Photoshop and Illustrator. If you’re already embedded in Adobe’s ecosystem, XD’s user-friendly interface and extensive plugin support make it a handy addition.


Adobe XD comes included in Creative Cloud Subscriptions, which include access to a host of other Adobe tools and regular updates. 

But Here's the Thing...

Despite its strengths, Adobe XD has been facing some significant challenges. There’s been growing concern about its long-term future, especially with some users encountering issues related to downloading and accessing the tool. These concerns have led to speculation about potential discontinuation.

Moreover, Adobe XD’s collaboration features, while functional, often lag behind the real-time, seamless interaction that teams need for efficient design workflows. While it does support co-editing, the experience is not as fluid as that offered by other tools, leading some users to seek alternatives.

Enter Figma: The New Contender

Figma has made a strong impression since its launch in 2016. Its cloud-based approach and intuitive features have quickly won over many in the design community. Here’s why Figma is becoming the tool of choice:

Real-Time Collaboration

Figma shines with its real-time collaboration features. Whether your team is across the globe or just in different rooms, everyone can work on the same project simultaneously. Live edits and comments keep everyone in sync, making collaboration effortless.

Vector Networks and Flexible Path Drawing

The building blocks that keep your graphics sharp no matter how big or small you scale them, Figma flips the script on vector networks.

Instead of rigid paths, it's more like connecting dots – adjust one part, and the whole design follows suit. It might sound confusing, especially for those who aren't already well-versed in web design, but we've included a video to help make it a bit more simple.

This not only makes it easier to create intricate shapes and smooth curves but also gives you more control to fine-tune every detail of your masterpiece.

Built-In Prototyping

Figma integrates powerful prototyping tools directly into its platform. You can turn your static designs into interactive experiences without switching apps, streamlining your workflow.

Interface & Integrations

Whether you're a design rookie or a seasoned pro, Figma's interface is designed to be a breeze. It's easy to learn, so new team members can jump right in, and pros can focus on bringing their ideas to life instead of wrestling with the software.

In today's world, no single design tool is an island. Figma gets that. It integrates smoothly with tools like Slack, Zeplin, and Jira. Figma empowers you to collaborate effortlessly with your team, manage tasks with ease, and take your design skills to the next level, all under one roof. 

Pricing That Grows with You

Starting with a free plan, Figma’s professional plans are priced at $12 per editor per month, with organizational plans at $45 per editor per month. It scales with your team’s needs as you grow.

Head-to-Head Comparison

Here’s a head-to-head comparison between these two major design tools. We’ll dive into key features to help you decide which tool will best suit your design needs.

Collaboration and Sharing

Both Figma and Adobe XD support collaboration, but Figma takes the lead with its seamless real-time co-editing. Whether your team is spread across different time zones or just in different rooms, Figma allows everyone to work together effortlessly, seeing updates instantly and maintaining a smooth workflow.

Adobe XD also supports effective collaboration with features like document history for tracking changes. It integrates well with Adobe’s ecosystem, providing reliable sharing and collaboration across Adobe applications. However, its real-time collaboration isn’t as fluid as Figma’s, which could be a deciding factor for teams that need constant, live updates.

Prototyping and Interactivity

When it comes to prototyping, Figma shines with its intuitive tools for creating interactive prototypes. It’s designed to make transitions smooth and interactive elements feel natural. Whether you’re building simple click-through models or complex user flows, Figma’s prototyping features are easy to use and highly effective.

Adobe XD, on the other hand, offers advanced prototyping features like auto-animate and voice interactions. Auto-animate makes it easy to create stunning animations between artboards, while voice prototyping lets you simulate voice commands and interactions. These features are particularly useful for designing interfaces for smart devices and apps that use voice control.

Design Systems and Components

In terms of design systems and component management, Figma excels with its robust library features. It allows you to create, organize, and reuse components across projects seamlessly. This system helps maintain consistency and makes it easy to update components globally, enhancing scalability and efficiency.

Adobe XD also manages design systems effectively, especially within Adobe’s ecosystem. It provides smooth asset sharing and consistent design updates across Adobe apps. XD’s component management is user-friendly, supporting the creation and maintenance of cohesive design systems aligned with your brand’s identity.

Performance and Speed

Figma’s cloud-based architecture ensures smooth performance, particularly for teams working on complex projects from different locations. It handles intricate design tasks efficiently without compromising speed, allowing designers to focus on creativity.

Adobe XD performs exceptionally well with locally stored files, offering responsive and stable performance. Whether working on detailed animations or intricate interfaces, XD maintains reliable performance to keep your design process uninterrupted.

Learning Curve and User Support

Figma’s interface is welcoming and intuitive, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced designers. Its gentle learning curve, supported by extensive tutorials and a vibrant community, empowers users to dive into projects confidently.

Adobe XD has a steeper learning curve, particularly for those new to Adobe’s ecosystem. However, it offers comprehensive support through Adobe’s documentation, video tutorials, and community forums. Once familiarized, designers can leverage XD’s powerful features effectively.

The Verdict

Overall, the trend is shifting towards Figma. Its superior real-time collaboration, user-friendly interface, and robust component management are winning over many designers. Figma’s ability to streamline the design process and enhance team productivity makes it a strong choice for modern design needs.

Now You Try!

Choosing the right design tool can greatly impact your workflow and creative output. Both Figma and Adobe XD have their strengths, so it’s worth exploring both to see which aligns best with your design process.

Try out their free trials or basic plans to experience their features firsthand and determine which tool fits your needs best.

So, which tool do you prefer? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts on social media.

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