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Check Out the All-New AI Wave Podcast by Trailblaze Media

Written by Trailblaze Team | 4/28/23 7:19 PM

Introducing the AI Wave Podcast

Welcome to the AI Wave: The Revolution From The Ocean State, the podcast that explores the impact of artificial intelligence on businesses in Rhode Island and beyond.

Our mission is to empower businesses of all sizes, local policymakers, and Rhode Islanders with the knowledge and tools they need to harness the power of AI. We'll be diving into AI-driven marketing strategies, discussing how AI can revolutionize industries like tourism, manufacturing, and healthcare, and bringing in experts to share their insights on this rapidly evolving technology.

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Welcome to the AI wave the revolution from the ocean state, the podcast that explores the impact of artificial intelligence on businesses in Rhode Island and beyond.

I'm Chris Parisi, founder and president of Trailblaze marketing, and together with the Trailblaze team will be your host. As we ride this AI wave. Our mission is to ensure we're not only riding the wave, but having Rhode Island become a leader in this revolution, and we'll make sure you're up to date on the tools you need to harness the power of AI, discuss how AI can revolutionize industries like tourism, manufacturing, and health.

There and we'll bring in experts to share their insights on this rapidly evolving technology. So whether you're a business owner or a local policymaker or just someone interested in the future of AI, this podcast is for you.

So join us as we explore the exciting world of AI and its impact on the ocean. They and beyond and don't miss an episode, subscribe to AI, wave the revolution from the ocean state on your favorite podcast platform, and follow us at Trailblaze dot marketing on social media for updates and bonus content.

Go on, catch the next wave with us. See you soon.