Digital Marketing Blog | Trailblaze Marketing

Leveraging AI for Marketing Your Startup | Event Recap

Written by Shay Weintraub | Oct 4, 2023 6:50:58 PM

For the second year in a row, Trailblaze had the privilege of hosting an event for RI Startup Week. Our 2023 event "Leveraging AI for Marketing Your Startup: Lunch & Learn" was presented by our Founder and President, Chris Parisi, and TrailblazePVD Client Success Manager, Teresa Lee. Along with delicious offerings from Tomaselli's and Dave's Marketplace, Parisi, Lee and the rest of the Trailblaze team shared our beautiful downtown Trailblaze HQ space with bright and engaging attendees. 

In addition to hearing from our Trailblaze speakers who shared their insights on how to use AI to grow your startup, we also had a chance to have an open discussion with the audience and shared ways ChatGPT and Bard can be used in our everyday lives, from meal planning to diagnosing homeowner problems.

We're so grateful to have had the audience we did and the platform we were provided. Thank you to everyone who attended and to RI Hub for giving us this opportunity!